
Friday, April 20, 2012

Similarities? Differences? Judgements? 


  1. To a "Lady of Distinction",
    Greetings to you, fellow artist. My name is Amy Beach and I am one of America's first successful female musicians. I just couldn't help but notice a big similarity we share as artists. We both had to overcome the obstacle of being a successful female artist in a world where men were usually the ones ending up successful. We fought hard for our achievements.
    However, we do have quite a lot of differences as well. First of all, I am a musician and you are more of a fashion advisor kind of an artist. You write books of advice on how to appear and behave (fashion and manners) and I write music. Secondly, you are from an upper class family in Europe while I am from more of a middle class family in America. Finally, everyone knows my real identity while your true identity is hidden from the world.
    I have read a bit of your work and it seems to me that you are a very knowlegable person when it comes to knowing all the ins and outs of exactly how to dress for and behave at any given occasion. I've found your advice very useful and will definitely keep it in mind. If you have any other advice, let me know. Thank you, and have a wonderful day.
    -Amy Beach

  2. Well "Lady of Distinction" I must say what an interesting title you have! Not only an intereating name, but also your art. I'm used to always hearing about singers, musicians, and actresses. Seeing something different like costuming is a nice change. As for one of our differences, obviously I am a musician while you are more of a "fashion advisor" as Ms.Amy Beach has said. I am really looking forward to learning more about you.

  3. "Lady of Distinction," what an unusual and fascinating art you have. I have been looking forward to reading about a fashion designer on this blog, as that art hardly gets as much respect or awareness as it deserves. I do not have very much in common with you, as I am a poet, and you are a fashion adviser. However, reading about the information that you were willing to disclose was interesting. You've certainly piqued my curiosity as to your true identity. Anyways, I have enjoyed looking at your artifacts, and reading your interview.

  4. "Lady of Distinction", well what an peculiar name. I absolutely love you work. I was actually curious if you could be my "fashion advisor" and help me pick out some lovely outfits? We don't have many similarities seeing how I am a beautiful opera singer, and you, are a fashion advisor. But, we do both have names like "Swedish Nightingale" and "Lady of Distinction". I thought that was pretty fascinating!

  5. "Lady of Distinction,"
    I am absolutely amazed at your work. I wish dancers could wear something like what you have in your artifacts. Our clothing is so over the top. Short dresses to have the audience see our feet. We don't seem to have much in common. I am a performer. It seems that you work more behind the scenes than on the stage. I hope to talk to you soon. Rehearsal is starting. I must go.
    - Fanny Elssler

  6. Well Lady of "Distiction". I must say I'm rather intrigued and irritated by the fact that your so secretive! But anyway, hmmm similarities well were both women. I do not know where your from so, well yes.
    Differences though, I'm not so interested in feminism which is the idea I'm sure your fond of. You are secrective, I'm well... not. I am a performer proud of who I am and what I do. While you remain anonymous. Not that its a bad thing just interesting.
    So if you ever do decide to reveal your indentity I'd love to talk more! But I can tell you strongly believe in what you believe in so that's wonderful.

  7. Well I must say Lady of Distinction that we are very diffrent but also similar in many ways. We are diffrent because you came from an upper class highly respected family and I came from a poor lower class family of peddlers. Also are lives seem to differ because you decided to persue your art as an act of woman empowerment and I decided to persue my art as a way to earn money for my family and I. This is a quality that you possess that I truely admire. Also we are diffrent because you say there is "no set method to your talent" while I have many methods such as reading poetry in order to improve my diction or learing to sing in order to speak more elequently. Alas, we are also similar in many ways too. You and I both had trouble being a woman in our society but we were still able to succede greatly in our arts. In addition both of us look up to people with great knolage and confidence. These are qualities that my mentor Etienne Choron possesed. In conclusion I do say u seem to be a supurb writer as I am a surpurb actress!
