
Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lady Of Distinction, First. The Mirror of the Graces; The English Lady's Costume. 284. 

 , and Adele Romany. Portrait of Mademoiselle Raucourt, of the Opera-Comique. N.d. Painting.

, and Adelaide Labille-Guiard. Portrait of a woman . N.d. Painting. 6 Apr 2012.  

 , and  Painting. 6 Apr 2012. 

 , and. Painting. 6 Apr 2012. 

, and   Painting. Dancing.jpgWeb. 6 Apr 2012.  

 , and   Painting. 6 Apr 2012. 

 , and  . Painting. 6 Apr 2012. 

, and   Photograph. 6 Apr 2012. 
"Elegant dressing is not found in expense; money without judgement may load, but never can adorn. You may show profusion without grace: you may cover a neck with pearls, a head with jewels, hands and arms with rings, bracelets and trinkets, and yet produce no effect, but having emptied some merchan'ts counter upon your person. The best chosen dress is that which so harmonizes with the figure as to make the raiment pass unobserved. The result of the finest toilet should be an elegant woman, not an elegantly dresses woman." You do not need immense amounts of money to be immensely elegant. You just need to know what fits you best.
"But in our days, an English woman has the extensive privilege of arraying herself in whatever garb may best suit her figure or her fancy. The fashions of every nation and of every era are open to her choice." You have countless dresses and jewels to choose from to wear. choose one that you feel conveys your inner self best.
"There is scarcely an observer of manners and their effects who will not maintain that the most beautiful and well-dressed woman will soon cease to please unless her charms are accompanied with the ineffable enchantment of a graceful demeanor"  It's nearly impossible to be completely beautiful without manners.
"Yet when we consider them merely in the outline, our pleasure can go farther than that of a cold critic who regards the finely-proportioned lineaments of life as he would those of a statue" Do not be stressed if your silhoette is not how society thinks it should be. Accept it for the natural beauty in it.
"As dancing is the accomplishment most calculated to display a fine form, elegant taste, and graceful carriage to advantage; so towards it, our regards must be particularly turned: and we shall find that when Beauty, in all her power is to be set forth, she cannot choose a more effective exhibition." Dancing is just the activity to pursue if you are aiming to show others your elegance, and complexity.
"As there is a propriety in adapting your dress to the different seasons of your life, and the peculiar character of your figure, there is likewise a necessity that it should correspond with the station you hold in society"  I believe you should decorate your body appropriately according to your position in the social ladder.
"The God of Love himself once felt the passion he so universally excites. But how? ...The gentle influence streamed on him from charms concealed behind a veil."
Modesty is how a lady finds a way to a man's heart.
"The body is as much a part of the human creature as the mind. It is the medium through which our souls see, feel, and act. By its outward expression of our internal thoughts, we convey to others a sense of our opinions, hopes, fears, and affections; we communicate love, we excite it. We enjoy, not only the pleasures of the senses, but the delights which shoot from mind to mind, in the pressure of a hand, the glance of an eye, the whisper of a heart." I feel this photo does more than show the importance of expression. It shows how sacred our bodies really are in acting as our connection to conveying how we think to the outside world and how important it is to treat it as such.
"eulogize the taste which prevails with persons of real judgement, to maintain the ease and gracefulness...against a new race of stay-makers, corset-inventors and those who have just armed themselves with whalebone, steel, and buckram, to the destruction of all the naturally-elegant shapes which fall into their hands"  I believe this picture is a fine example in my point being that you do not need to squeeze your curves into steel and whale bone to be beautiful, when you can find even more beauty in your natural shape.
"Such an appearance is unobtrusive; it is amiable, and not only secure from animadversion, but very likely to awaken respect and love.-Indeed, in all cases, a modest reserve is essential to the perfection of feminine attraction." This picture adequately supports my advice in showing women making modesty beautiful.